Monday, November 17, 2014

New expansions of Tuning System/Ideas

As more music is getting composed using this tuning, I am realizing the imperfection of the system in the sense that the leap between tones is too great especially as it gets higher, therefore, I came up with a new expansion of the system. Taking recursive 'golden-point' frequencies between the tones of 13-tone original system to produce the following:

However, when it gets to the 528Hz region, the intervals are so small that it becomes impractical as can be seen in the chart below.

Because of this, and the growing desire to include octaves in the system, I decided to use the same recursive golden-point frequency idea, only now between octaves of 528Hz, starting from 33Hz going up to 2112Hz with increasing Fibonacci numbers of golden-point 'betweens' as the octaves get higher to produce:

And here is the 'golden additive synth' playing through the new system:

Monday, November 10, 2014

New Operator Instrument Using System & New Piece Coming Soon!

Here is an instrument that was built in Ableton Live 9 Suite, using Ableton's Operator to create a dynamic instrument with the intention of doing sound design effectively & uniquely inside of Ableton. This as well as some other instruments, made using samplers (containing samples of the csound synths previously built) are being used in a new piece currently under construction, a collaborative work, featuring good friend and electronic musician extraordinaire Moduloktopus (

Interesting video relating to research & project

Pretty nice video, a bit 'much', but inspiring and relates to the ultimate goals and ideals of this research & project.